
oaktown.fun has been permanently shut down. BUT OUR SERVERS HASNT! this is only the domain so were still going!
thanks for the memories!

message from nick

hello all. as some of you may know, there was some drama surrounding me and headless. as this has occurred, it is in mine and pug's best interest to cease supporting oak town to prevent incidents like this happening or being brought up again. this may be the last time you see me again so thanks for the memories.

faq from psychpayload

whats gonna happen to the webpage?
the domain will be expiring soon i will be moving the page to github pages so it will look like this dotheboogey678.github.io/somerandompage
what servers are still up?
halo ce and pre fortress 2
how are yall gonna host more servers?
we dont really know for now UPDATE: lmorthain helps us host now!
wait how are the pf2 and halo ce servers running?
Chromatik Moniker helps me run them i will be providing a donation link when he gives me one

    countdown to the demise of this website
    days Hours Minutes Seconds